We utilize the DanceBUG online registration system and judging system. Plus the DanceBUG app allows anyone to view program and live stream!
All judges are certified and hired with IDA Impact Dance Adjudicators
There is a 4th judge dedicated solely to special awards so the three adjudicators can focus on critiques.
We pride ourselves on being organized and on schedule.
Our judges get breaks every 2-3 hours to make sure they are refreshed for every dance. Breaks are in the program so they are no surprises. We work to keep our judges happy. Keeping judges happy = better critiques!
Receive the schedule at least 2 weeks prior, most of the time it's 3 weeks prior.
All solos are eligible for titles with no extra fee. The highest scoring soloists in each age group and each level win title. Period.
Cash awards are cash. Not credits.
Solos and duet/trios are eligible for choreography awards, not just groups.
Award ceremonies begin almost immediately after the end of each session...very little wait time.
Our photographer takes over 100 pictures per dance and they are of the highest quality. AND they are included free with your entry fees!
We take pride in every detail. We learn and grow from experience and feedback.